Potato Tower Update!

Houston, we have potatoes!

So, the tatie tower was a moderate success.  I’m not sure I rightly remember how many potatoes I planted in the tower, but from the harvest, it looks like I got at least 3 potatoes for one planted. Next year I will try to remember to fertilize more, although I did use Miracle Gro soil and lots of compost.  I can remember digging up potatoes as a kid, but don’t remember how many we planted.  I looked it up and you should get three regular size potatoes and some smaller ones for each seed planted, so I think we did OK.  I have lots of mini potatoes, for which I know you pay a mint in the grocery store!

I didn’t plant that many to begin with, not being sure what I was doing and how the layers would work. Next time, I can plant more layers within the tower and space the sets further apart. I think that will make a big difference in yield.  This was a live-and-learn experiment for sure!

All in all, a pretty exciting evening digging through the dirt and finding these little golden gems.  I plan to cook them with some green beans and smoked sausage here in a day or two.  What fun! We will plant two more towers next year, just to see what happens and try some purple potatoes.  It was a pretty stress-free growing method (read: I did nothing but water when it didn’t rain).  We did have a nice little black snake baby living under the tower. He was very confused when we took away his roof.  I’m glad he had a safe warm place to grow up. As long as he stays out of the house, ha ha!

Potato Harvest 1  The Potato Tower goes down!

Potato Harvest 2

What we saw as we took apart the straw and dirt.

Lots of dirty gems!

Lots of dirty gems!

Rinsed off and waiting for a skillet.

Rinsed off and waiting for a skillet.





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